The data/ information on this portal is "as is" entered by the CA Firms, members, corporate and various other organizations. The respective users are responsible for the correctness and authenticity of data entered by them. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has NOT checked/ verified this data and is not responsible for the data/ information entered by the respective users. The users are hence required to check the authenticity of data at their level. These portal services are being offered by the Women Empowerment Committee as a value added service for the women Chartered Accountants. The selection or otherwise for the purpose of employment is made by the concerned organization/ CA Firms considering vacancies available and their requirements. As a facilitator, Women Empowerment Committee/ICAI is not responsible for actual placements or otherwise. ICAI or its Committee/Department owe no responsibility for any loss or damage caused to any person for any information posted on this portal.